1. Terms & Conditions for OSP Operation
(1) The OSP shall take the Telecom Resources from an Authorised Telecom Service Provider only.
(2) The Authorised Telecom Service Providers shall provide resources to the OSP after examining the network diagram of the network proposed to be setup by the OSP and after ensuring its bonafide use. OSPs shall submit a copy of the network diagram approved by the Telecom Service Provider (TSP) to VTM Cells for records and verification.
(3) Both the Authorised Telecom Service Provider and the OSP shall be responsible as per the terms and conditions of their license/registration respectively towards any violation of the terms and conditions in the use of Telecom Resources.
(4) OSP may have Internet connectivity from the Authorized Internet Service Provider.
(5) OSP is permitted to share the Telecom bandwidth with other activities of the same Company or group of companies. However, the OSP shall ensure that there will be a logical separation between the Telecom Resources for OSP and the Telecom Resources for their other activities. There shall be no voice / non voice traffic flow between them.
(6) Interconnectivity of the International OSP with Domestic OSP is not permitted.
2. Terms & Conditions for Disaster Management of OSP centre
(1) The domestic OSPs are permitted to connect to the dedicated servers provided at the registered ‘Hot Sites’, only at the time of disaster with due intimation to the Authority giving connectivity details. Similar arrangements are permitted to the International OSP also. However, there shall not be any interconnection between the ‘Hot Sites’ of domestic OSP and International OSP.
(2) Domestic OSP Centres of the same Company are permitted to cross map the seats for use during disaster and shall inform the same to the Authority.
(3) Similar arrangements as 2(2) above are permitted among the International OSP centres of the same Company.

3. Terms & Conditions specific to the Domestic OSP
(1) Domestic OSP is permitted to terminate PSTN/PLMN connection with outgoing facility on the same EPABX provided that such PSTN/PLMN lines shall be used for making calls through normal NLD network only and in no way directly or indirectly cause bypass of licensed National Long Distance Operator (NLDO) jurisdiction. There shall be a logical partitioning to ensure the separation of these facilities. They may have other connectivity e.g. lease circuit and virtual private network (VPN) at the same centre, however, there shall not be any call flow between these PSTN lines and Leased lines.
(2) Interconnectivity of two or more Domestic OSP Centres of the same Company or group of companies is permitted.
(3) Domestic OSP is permitted to use Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) connections only for the purpose of back up of domestic leased circuits.
(4) The Authority reserves the right to carry out the audit periodically. If the Authority is satisfied that there has been a violation of any of the conditions, it reserves the right to take punitive action including forfeiture of the security deposit and / or the cancellation of the registration.
4. Terms & Conditions specific to the International OSP
(1) No PSTN connectivity shall be permitted to the International OSP at the Indian end. PSTN connectivity on foreign end is permitted having facility of both inbound and outbound calls.
(2) Interconnection of two or more International OSP of the same Company or the group companies is permitted, with intimation to the registering authority within 15 days of such interconnection.
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